The Company continues to investigate ways of realising value from its portfolio of mineral rights as well as looking to re-configure and re-start the CTRP. Commenting on the results ..... While the South African mining industry as a whole has been hard hit financially during FY2013, Sylvania remained cash positive with $6,564,885 (FY2012: $15,696,899) on the balance sheet at year end, and well positioned to exploit opportunities in the future. The Company generated& ...
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Format: Hard Cover. Price: $115.00. Description: A Practical Guide to Bankruptcy Valuation helps both practitioners and students navigate the complex task of valuing a bankrupt or other financially distressed business, and provides practical ... of debtor securities, sale of bankruptcy estate assets, plans of reorganization, staffing costs, bankruptcy taxation issues and fresh-start accounting issues, among others, are factored into properly valuing a bankrupt company.
Specifically, the IG asks why Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks have been dragging their feet implementing 2012 accounting changes that would accelerate the timing of tens of billions of dollars of ... First we start with Page 96 in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. As of June 30, 2013, FNM had about $140 billion in total delinquent loans on its balance sheet, including about $80 billion in the “seriously delinquent” category.
Sabrina L. Simmons - Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer and Executive Vice President of Finance .... So definitely, that`s going to be a focus on the second half because it`s important for a business like ours in order to continue to move the business forward to have the right balance on loyal customers, lapsed customers and ... Moving on to the balance sheet on Slide 7. ... For example, our first half sales were negatively impacted by over $100 million.
The Company continues to investigate ways of realising value from its portfolio of mineral rights as well as looking to re-configure and re-start the CTRP. Commenting on the results ..... While the South African mining industry as a whole has been hard hit financially during FY2013, Sylvania remained cash positive with $6,564,885 (FY2012: $15,696,899) on the balance sheet at year end, and well positioned to exploit opportunities in the future. The Company generated& ...
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